Quraan-E-Karim  (15 Lines) icon

Quraan-E-Karim (15 Lines)

Category: News & Magazines Date:2023-12-01

Rating: 4.5


Introducing the Quran Recitation app by iDare Deeniyat, allowing users to recite the Quran anywhere. This user-friendly and visually appealing app has been developed under careful supervision of the Deeniyat organization, providing a clear and easily readable Arabic font. With the User Guide and prompt messages, using the app is made easy and effective. Users can recite using the Juz/Paraindex or the Surah index, bookmarking favorite Surahs for quick access. The app also allows users to bookmark pages and easily navigate using the page number. Reading modes, such as Gallery Effect and Page Effect, enhance the reader's experience, and options to share the app and access the Deeniyat organization's website and other apps are also provided. Let this app help you elevate your position in both Deen and Duniya by accomplishing the duty of reciting the Quran daily. Your constructive feedback for app improvements is highly appreciated.

Features of this app:

- Recitation of Quran: This app allows users to recite the Quran wherever they are.

- Easy-to-use interface: The app is designed to be user-friendly, with a clear and easily readable Arabic font.

- User Guide and prompt messages: The app provides guidance at every step for easy and effective use.

- Bookmarking: Users can bookmark their favorite Surahs or pages for quick access later.

- Reading modes: The app offers different reading modes, such as the Gallery Effect for page swiping and zooming, and Page Effect for real page flipping effects.

- Sharing options: Users can share the app with friends, family, and colleagues, and also access the Deeniyat organization website and other apps developed by the organization.


This app is a handy tool for Muslims to recite the Quran daily, no matter where they are. With its user-friendly interface and useful features like bookmarking and different reading modes, it provides an easy and enjoyable way to engage with the Quran. Additionally, the option to share the app and access other resources from the Deeniyat organization adds value to the user experience. Download this app and enhance your connection with the Quran and your practice of Islam. We welcome your feedback for further improvements.

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