Introducing the enhanced Novo & Moi app! We've listened to your feedback and made some exciting changes to make your experience even better. With our new and improved prize pool system, you can now access your loyalty card and redeem your rewards with just one click, directly in-store. Plus, we've added a friendly Novoviande team to guide you through the app. Manage your account, check your prize pool balance, view your ticket history, and more. We've also fixed bugs and made improvements for a smoother and more enjoyable experience. Keep using the app and help us continue to improve. Start earning rewards today and let your loyalty be rewarded!
- Manage personal data and store: Users can easily manage their personal information and set their favorite store to receive news and promotions.
- In-store promotions: Users can stay updated with promotions and low prices offered by Novoviande throughout the year, ensuring that they don't miss out on advantageous offers.
- Advice and recipes: The app provides users with cooking ideas, recipes, and cooking tips to make their meals with Novoviande meats a celebration.
- Food quality and safety: Novoviande prioritizes the quality and safety of their products. They ensure cleanliness, cold chain management, and traceability of their products to provide customers with good products in complete safety.
- Easy and quick prize pool system: The app has been revamped to provide a simple and quick prize pool system, allowing users to easily access and benefit from their prize pool directly in-store.
The Novo & Moi app is a must-have for customers of Novoviande. It offers a loyalty program, allows users to manage their personal data and favorite store, provides information on in-store promotions, offers advice and recipes for cooking Novoviande meats, ensures food quality and safety, and features an easy and quick prize pool system. Download the app now to start enjoying the benefits of being a loyal Novoviande customer.
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