Introducing StudySmarter: the ultimate app for students. Create personalized flashcards and study notes, access textbooks and resources from top publishers, and get customized study plans. Improve your grades with quizzes, class notes, and reminders. Collaborate in study groups, stay updated with school news, and track progress with the study planner. Transform your study routine on Android - globally recognized as one of the best educational apps.
❤️ Create flashcards and study notes
❤️ Access materials and documents shared by other students, including textbooks from major publishers
❤️ Obtain fully customized study plans
❤️ Browse through various tools such as flashcards, quizzes, class notes, study guides, and more
❤️ Create study groups to stay connected with peers and stay updated with school news
❤️ Use spaced repetition methods and study planner to track progress and improve learning efficiency
StudySmarter supports personalized study plans and collaborative learning via study groups. The app includes spaced repetition and a study planner to track progress and boost grades. Globally recognized, StudySmarter is essential for academic success on Android. Download now to transform your studying experience.
Equip yourself with our all-in-one toolbox app for everyday tasks and projects. Instantly convert between units, calculate tips, scan documents, manage files, and more with handy productivity tools. Includes a level, compass, QR code reader, ruler, speedometer, decibel meter, and flashlight. Save frequently used tools to your customizable dashboard for one-tap access. Track billable hours, wages, budgets, and invoices. Annotate screenshots, magnify labels, and sign PDFs on the go.
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