Manglish Malayalam Keyboard, also known as Malayalam Keyboard Mod, is the ultimate app for typing in the Malayalam language on your smartphone. With over 20 million Malayalis using this keyboard, it offers unrivaled word predictions, seamless English to Malayalam conversion, intuitive voice typing, and even a handwriting input option. Rest assured, your privacy is respected as the app does not collect or store any private information from your device. Setting up the Malayalam Keyboard is easy - simply enable and choose Manglish as your keyboard, customize it with your preferred theme, and start typing Malayalam everywhere!
⭐ Superior word predictions: Malayalam Keyboard Mod Manglish offers accurate word predictions that allow users to type quickly and effortlessly.
⭐ Seamless English to Malayalam conversion: With a simple tap of a button, users can easily switch between English and Malayalam modes, making it convenient to communicate in both languages.
⭐ Intuitive voice typing: Users can use voice input to conveniently convert their spoken words into Malayalam text, saving time and effort.
⭐ Handwriting input: The app also includes a handwriting keyboard, allowing users to write in Malayalam using their finger or stylus.
⭐ Customize your keyboard: Take advantage of the app's customizable features, such as choosing a theme, adjusting the keyboard height, and enabling sound and vibration feedback, to make your typing experience more personalized.
⭐ Explore Malayalam stickers: Discover and share Malayalam stickers directly from inside the app, making your conversations more expressive and fun.
⭐ Use it across all apps: Manglish Keyboard works seamlessly across all apps on your smartphone, so you can type in Malayalam wherever you want without any hassle.
Malayalam Keyboard Mod, whether you're chatting with friends and family or writing official documents and social media posts, this app ensures a smooth and enjoyable typing experience in your native language. Download Malayalam Keyboard Mod Manglish today and join the millions of Malayalis who already rely on its powerful features.
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