Discover the ultimate library companion with 서울과학기술대학교 도서관. Easily search for library collections, check your personal library usage status, and even request book purchases right from your mobile device. Stay up-to-date with library events and education opportunities, access e-books with just a few taps, and enjoy hassle-free mobile ID authentication for library entrance gates and book loans. With features like seat allocation and facility reservations, this app is your go-to for all your library needs. Say goodbye to long lines and enjoy a seamless library experience wherever you go.
- Easily search for library collection data, check bibliographic information, and confirm the location of items within the library.
- Keep track of your library usage including loans, reservations, overdue items, sanctions, and personal notices.
- Submit requests for material purchases and track the status of your applications.
- Sign up for library events and educational programs and stay updated on their status.
- Access e-books through the integrated website login feature.
- Use mobile ID authentication for easy access to library entrance gates, seat allocation machines, and book loan desks.
From searching for books to attending library events, this app has everything you need to make the most of your visit to the library. Download 서울과학기술대학교 도서관 now to access these convenient features and make your library experience even better.
Discover and share the hottest events around with our intuitive apps. Find local concerts, festivals, shows, and more based on your unique interests. Create customizable calendars of upcoming events to coordinate schedules with friends. Purchase tickets seamlessly from our integrated platforms. Check real-time transit schedules to plan your trip. Access maps, directions, and parking information for any venue.
Spontacts Aktivitäten & Events
Princeton Events
Delhi Events
UniLodge Resident Services Hub
Kliq App
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