Stay connected with your AA community using AA Iran. With GPS location services, you can easily find nearby meetings and groups based on your preferences. Whether you're looking for a meeting in a specific province or city, or want to attend a group based on gender, this app has got you covered. Stay motivated and inspired with daily messages, access helpful publications and news, and never miss important notices or announcements. With everything you need in one place, this app makes it easier than ever to stay on track with your recovery journey.
- GPS Access: AA Iran allows users to access AA meetings and groups with the help of GPS, making it easier to find the nearest ones around you.
- Search Function: Users can search for groups and meetings based on province, city, and gender preferences, helping them to find the most suitable options for their needs.
- Daily Messages: This app provides users with AA Daily Messages to inspire and motivate them on their recovery journey.
- Publications and News: Stay informed with the latest AA publications and news to keep up to date with the AA community.
- Use the GPS feature to quickly locate the nearest AA meetings and groups when you're in need of support.
- Take advantage of the search function to find meetings that cater to your specific preferences and needs.
- Start your day by reading the Daily Messages to kickstart your day with positivity and encouragement.
- Stay informed about AA publications and news to stay connected with the AA community and upcoming events.
With AA Iran, accessing AA meetings and groups has never been easier. Stay connected with the AA community, get daily inspiration, and find the support you need to continue on your recovery journey. Download it now and take the first step towards a healthier, happier life.
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