"Lost Colors" is a captivating app that tells the story of Lilac, a girl who has been confined to her house for a year. One night, she is awakened by a knock on her door, and her life takes an enchanting turn. Immerse yourself in this magical adventure filled with stargazing, potion making, and cat chasing! With a playtime of approximately 30 minutes, this game offers a unique and captivating experience. By downloading the app for just $3 or more, not only will you support the developer's game-making adventures, but you will also receive a digital art collection. Don't miss out on this extraordinary journey!
Features of this App:
- Engaging Story: Immerse yourself in the captivating tale of a girl who has been confined to her house for a year and the witch who knocks on her door to bring her back outside.
- Multiple Languages: Enjoy the app in either English or 한국어, making it accessible to a wider audience.
- Unique Gameplay: Experience stargazing, potion making, and cat chasing activities, adding variety and excitement to your gaming experience.
- Play Time: Enjoy approximately 30 minutes of gameplay, perfect for a quick and enjoyable gaming session.
- Support the Developer: By purchasing the app for $3 or more, you can support the developer in their game-making adventures and also receive a digital art collection as a token of appreciation.
- Additional Content: Access the soundtrack of the game and explore more games like this by signing up for the developer's newsletter and joining their community for secret updates, a monthly digital postcard, and early access to their games.
Immerse yourself in the enchanting world of ~ever since last autumn, everything that lilac touches loses its colour. one night, she wakes up and hears a knock on her door...~ This app offers a unique and engaging story, with multiple language options to cater to a wider audience. With exciting gameplay activities such as stargazing, potion making, and cat chasing, you'll be entertained for approximately 30 minutes. By supporting the developer with a purchase, you not only contribute to their game-making adventures but also receive a digital art collection. Don't miss out on the opportunity to access the game's soundtrack and stay updated on future releases by joining the developer's community. Click now to download and embark on this captivating adventure!
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