Introducing Ocean Avenue, a captivating slice of life sports visual novel that takes you on a journey through the bustling city of San Vicente and its titular university. As Evan Conde, a recent transfer student, you'll navigate the complexities of friendship and romance with the help of your four new pals: Vic, Selma, Marcus, and Kenny. With immersive first-person gameplay, you have 7 in-game days to decide who you want to pursue. Will you choose Marcus and Kenny or Vic and Selma? Dive beneath the surface and uncover the secrets that bind them all together. Download Ocean Avenue now and embark on an unforgettable adventure!
Features of the App:
- Engaging Slice of Life Story: Ocean Avenue offers a captivating slice of life sports story that allows you to immerse yourself in the bustling city of San Vicente and its titular university. Follow the journey of Evan Conde, a transfer student, as he befriends three new pals and unravels the secrets that hold them all together.
- First-Person Perspective: Experience the story from Evan's point of view as you navigate through his interactions with his four friends. Dive beneath the surface and discover the depth of their relationships as you make choices that shape the course of the narrative.
- Multiple Routes: With 7 in-game days at your disposal, you have the opportunity to decide who you want to pursue. The routes in Ocean Avenue branch in a slightly unconventional way, offering you two initial choices: Marcus and Kenny, or Vic and Selma. From there, you can choose to pursue each pair together or focus on one more intimately.
- Interactive Decision-Making: Your choices matter in Ocean Avenue. As you progress through the story, the decisions you make will impact the relationships and outcomes of the characters. Explore different paths and uncover unique storylines based on your preferences.
- Exclusive Access for Patrons: While the visual novel does not have a concrete release schedule, patrons will usually receive each release 7 days in advance before the public. By becoming a patron, you can enjoy early access to new content and support the development of the game.
- Community Engagement: Share your thoughts and opinions on the game in the comments section and participate in the Google Forms survey to provide feedback to the team. Additionally, join Dirk's Discord server to connect with other fans, engage in discussions, receive announcements, and even participate in beta testing for Ocean Avenue.
Ocean Avenue is an exciting visual novel that offers an immersive slice of life sports story. With its engaging narrative, first-person perspective, and interactive decision-making, the app provides a unique and captivating experience for users. Whether you're a fan of romance, friendship, or sports, this app has something for everyone. Join Evan and his friends on their journey and uncover the secrets that lie beneath the surface. Don't miss out on the opportunity to be a part of this captivating story - click the link to download Ocean Avenue now!
Experience the thrill of competition in our latest addictive sports game. Choose your favorite team and take control of the world's best athletes as they battle head-to-head in intense matches. With ultra-realistic graphics and physics, it feels like you're right there on the field or court. Customize strategies, upgrade your players' skills, and lead your team to glory in multiple gameplay modes. Get in the game now!
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