Welcome to Shin Megami Tensei: Training the Demon, an immersive adult visual novel that transports you into the captivating world of the iconic JRPG series, Shin Megami Tensei. Set in a unique and familiar setting, this game combines stunning pixel art with a nostalgic atmosphere, reminiscent of the beloved SMT I, II, and If... as well as featuring beloved characters and intriguing plot elements from SMT 3 Nocturne.In Training the Demon, you must learn to survive in the treacherous Vortex World, filled with dangerous demons lurking around every corner. Engage in intense negotiations with these creatures and form alliances with friendly demons to increase your chances of survival. The key to navigating this mysterious world lies in developing a close bond with your chosen demon companion.For our incredibly supportive backers, we offer you a special collector's card personalized with artwork of your choice. This unique card will bear your name and can be found within the game itself. By subscribing to our Patreon or SubscribeStar, you can obtain this exclusive card at a specified subscription level.Additionally, we invite you to join us on Patreon and SubscribeStar where you can actively participate in an ongoing vote to determine the next demon we will add to the game in future versions. Your input and support are invaluable to us as we continue to develop this project.Lastly, don't forget to check out our friend's captivating game as well. Your support and appreciation mean the world to us, and we are incredibly grateful for your contribution towards the development of our project. Together, let's delve into the captivating world of Training the Demon and embark on an unforgettable adventure.
* Adult Visual Novel: Experience a unique and immersive storyline that combines elements of the popular JRPG series Shin Megami Tensei with an adult-themed visual novel.
* Original World: Immerse yourself in a captivating and familiar world inspired by the Shin Megami Tensei series while still offering a distinctive and unique setting.
* Stunning Pixel Art: Enjoy beautifully crafted pixel art that recreates the nostalgic atmosphere of both old SMT games and new, appealing to fans of all generations.
* Challenging Gameplay: Navigate through the harsh Vortex World, encountering dangerous demons along the way. Engage in negotiation with demons, recruit new friendly ones, and build strong relationships to survive.
* Exclusive Collector's Card: Support the game development with an especially generous contribution and receive a unique collector's card featuring artwork of your choice. Your name will be embedded in the card and can be found within the game itself.
* Engage in the Community: Join the active community and have a say in the game's future development. Participate in ongoing votes on Patreon and SubscribeStar to decide the next demon to be added in future versions.
Experience a thrilling and unique combination of an adult visual novel and the beloved Shin Megami Tensei series. With captivating pixel art, a challenging gameplay, and exclusive rewards, this app offers an immersive and engaging experience. Support the game's development and become part of the community, where your voice matters. Don't miss out on the opportunity to download this app and dive into the captivating world of Training the Demon.
Experience the thrill of competition in our latest addictive sports game. Choose your favorite team and take control of the world's best athletes as they battle head-to-head in intense matches. With ultra-realistic graphics and physics, it feels like you're right there on the field or court. Customize strategies, upgrade your players' skills, and lead your team to glory in multiple gameplay modes. Get in the game now!
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