Bully Simulator is a captivating and immersive interactive visual novel that takes place in the prestigious halls of an elite school. Follow the story of Mei, a courageous Asian girl who has recently enrolled in this exclusive institution. As Mei navigates her new surroundings, players will encounter two distinctive characters that shape her experience. Elliot, Mei's nerdy yet kind-hearted friend, offers support and guidance, while Angela, a ruthless and conceited bully, poses a constant threat due to Mei's ethnicity. Immerse yourself in the rich world of Bully Simulator, complete with a compelling soundtrack, advanced character animations, and various choices that lead to multiple endings. Whether you seek retribution, forgiveness, or friendship, each conclusion offers a different outcome for Mei's journey to overcome the challenges posed by Angela. Available on Windows, Mac, Linux, and Android, the game promises an unforgettable experience for all players.
❤️ Interactive visual novel: Bully Simulator is not just a regular game, but an interactive visual novel where players can make choices and shape the storyline based on their decisions.
❤️ Elite school setting: The game takes place in an elite school, giving players a glimpse into the exclusive and intriguing world of these educational institutions.
❤️ Asian protagonist: The main character, Mei, is an Asian girl. Through her experiences, players get to empathize and understand the challenges faced by Asian students in a diverse school environment.
❤️ Dynamic characters: The game introduces two key characters - Elliot, Mei's nerdy and kind friend, and Angela, a cruel and arrogant bully. The interactions between these characters add depth and complexity to the storyline.
❤️ Rich audio experience: The game boasts a captivating soundtrack, including main menu music and in-game music, that elevates the overall gaming experience. Additionally, the inclusion of sound effects enhances immersion into the game world.
❤️ Multiple endings: With its various choices and multiple endings, the game offers players the opportunity to explore different outcomes and find ways to overcome the threat posed by Angela in unique and creative ways.
Make meaningful choices, interact with dynamic characters, and mold the storyline to your liking in this interactive visual novel. Immerse yourself in the rich audio experience, complete with a mesmerizing soundtrack and immersive sound effects. Find your own path and discover the various endings that await, each offering a unique resolution to the challenge posed by Angela. Available on Windows, Mac, Linux, and Android, click here to download Bully Simulator and embark on a journey of empathy, resilience, and triumph.
Make learning fun with our new educational game, perfect for kids of all ages! With engaging activities across subjects like math, reading, science and more, children will build knowledge while having a blast. The reward-based system and vibrant graphics keep them motivated to progress through levels. Customizable avatars and whimsical worlds let their creativity shine. Parents can feel at ease knowing their kids are learning, not just playing.
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