Embark on an epic adventure in Valiant Force 2, the highly anticipated sequel to the beloved Valiant Force. Set in the realm of Arathos, which is on the brink of chaos, you must join forces with noble knight Elise Arkwright and her allies to restore peace and tranquility. As you navigate through a world torn apart by division and betrayal, you will uncover the truth behind the destruction of the Crystal of Arathos and the death of a revered guardian. With its immersive turn-based combat system and unique gameplay features like the Aura Trigger system and PvP airship battles, Valiant Force 2 promises an unforgettable experience. Explore new quests, unlock powerful heroes, and enjoy a captivating soundtrack composed by the renowned Hitoshi Sakimoto. Embark on this thrilling journey and become the hero Arathos needs!
- Traditional Battle Method: Engage in strategic turn-based combat to dominate the battlefield. Customize your Heroes with a wide range of equipment and runes.
- Unique Combat Techniques: Experience the one-of-a-kind Aura Trigger system and master new combat features such as elemental dynamics and Auron Cards.
- Intense Aircraft Conflict: Engage in thrilling dogfights in the brand-new PvP mode. Destroy enemy Zephyrite-powered airships while defending your own.
- Extensive In-Game Activities: Explore Arathos with new stories and quests featuring both new and old heroes. Regular content updates offer a wealth of new adventures.
- Superb Soundtrack: Immerse yourself in the masterful compositions of renowned video game composer Hitoshi Sakimoto, known for his work on Final Fantasy Tactics and Final Fantasy XII.
With its traditional battle system, unique combat techniques, intense aircraft conflict, and extensive in-game activities, it offers a rich and immersive gameplay experience. The addition of a superb soundtrack by Hitoshi Sakimoto adds another layer of enjoyment to this already captivating world. Whether you're a returning player or new to the franchise, Valiant Force 2 is a must-download for any strategy RPG enthusiast.
Become the leader of your own thriving settlement in this addictive new strategy game. Build and customize homes, shops, farms and more to expand your village. Manage resources carefully to keep your people happy and productive. Send explorers on missions to find valuable loot and artifacts. Defend against raider attacks with walls, traps and an army of your own. With randomly generated maps and emergent gameplay, no two games are the same.
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