Civilization 6: Top 10 Civilizations for Achieving a Science Victory

2024-09-23 12:13:18Source:JuxiaAuthor:Juxia

Achieving a Science Victory in Civilization 6 can be quite a challenging feat due to its intricate requirements and the fact that it usually unfolds later in the game. To secure this type of victory, a civilization must excel in technology and maintain high production levels to construct essential city projects for space exploration.

Given these challenges, only a select few civilizations can effectively leverage their strengths to claim a Science Victory. Some thrive on unique improvements, while others maximize their inherent capabilities toward this specific victory type.

10. Inca (Pachacuti)

Leverage Mountainous Terrain for Science Gains

Civilization 6: Top 10 Civilizations for Achieving a Science Victory

- Citizens can work Mountain tiles.

- Mountains yield +2 Production and +1 Food per adjacent Terrace Farm.

- Pachacuti: Domestic Trade Routes provide +1 Food for each Mountain in their starting city, and they can build Qhapac Ñan improvements across Mountain tiles.

Incas can assign Citizens to Mountain tiles, allowing them to capitalize on the benefits of starting near mountain ranges. These tiles not only enhance Production but also provide Science, making them invaluable for players aiming for a Science Victory. The combination of productive Campuses and heightened Production allows Inca players to expedite their Space Race endeavors, while the mountains serve as natural fortifications against invasions.

9. Brazil (Pedro II)

Maximize Recruitment of Great Scientists and Campus Effectiveness

Civilization 6: Top 10 Civilizations for Achieving a Science Victory

- Rainforest tiles boost Appeal and provide a +1 adjacency bonus to various districts.

- Pedro II: Refunds 20% of a Great Person's Points cost upon recruitment.

Starting near Rainforest tiles, Brazil gains significant advantages in Science through enhanced Appeal and adjacency bonuses for Campuses. Pedro II’s ability to refund Great Person costs accelerates the recruitment of Great Scientists, yielding substantial gains for both Science and Culture victories.

8. Arabia (Saladin - Vizier)

Harness Religion for Scientific Advancement

Civilization 6: Top 10 Civilizations for Achieving a Science Victory

- Guaranteed the last Great Prophet.

- Earn +1 Science per turn for each foreign city following Arabia's religion.

- Saladin: Cities with worship buildings gain a 10% boost to Science, Culture, and Faith.

Under Saladin, Arabia is well-equipped for a dual approach to Science and Religion. Focusing on founding a religion allows players to swiftly advance through the Technology tree, leveraging bonuses from worship buildings and the spread of their faith to enhance Science production.

7. Australia (John Curtin)

Capitalize on Production After Conflict

Civilization 6: Top 10 Civilizations for Achieving a Science Victory

- Gain +3 Housing for each Coastal City.

- John Curtin: +100% Production for 10 turns after being targeted by war or liberating a city.

Australia stands out for its unique ability to combine Science and Production effectively. The adjacency bonuses for districts near Charming or Breathtaking tiles enhance their output significantly, while Curtin’s ability to mobilize after conflict can provide crucial production boosts, enabling rapid technological advancements and space project completions.

6. Japan (Tokugawa)

Domestically Focused for Scientific Gains

Civilization 6: Top 10 Civilizations for Achieving a Science Victory

- Gain increased adjacency bonuses for districts.

- Tokugawa: Domestic Trade Routes yield +1 Culture and Science, and +2 Gold for specialty districts.

Japan excels under Tokugawa by prioritizing internal trade routes and domestic affairs, allowing for significant boosts in Science, Culture, and production. This focus enables players to accumulate advantages without reliance on other civilizations.

5. Scotland (Robert the Bruce)

Transform Happy Cities into Scientific Powerhouses

Civilization 6: Top 10 Civilizations for Achieving a Science Victory

- Happy cities generate +5% Science and Production, with additional bonuses for ecstatic cities.

- Robert the Bruce: Can initiate a War of Liberation with increased production and unit movement.

Scotland's ability to convert happy cities into more productive centers allows them to achieve notable Science and Production boosts. While not directly tied to Science Victories, Robert's capacity to counter threats and mobilize resources efficiently supports a rapid push toward critical city projects.

4. Indonesia (Gitarja)

Flexible Maritime Empire with Scientific Potential

Civilization 6: Top 10 Civilizations for Achieving a Science Victory

- Coast and Lake tiles grant adjacency bonuses to key districts.

- Gitarja: Can purchase naval units with Faith and gain +2 Faith from City Centers near Coast or Lake tiles.

Indonesia can effectively pursue a Science Victory despite its usual association with Culture victories. The unique adjacency bonuses from coastal placements allow for strategic district layouts, enhancing the overall potential for scientific advancement.

3. Korea (Seondeok)

A Proven Choice for Science Victories

Civilization 6: Top 10 Civilizations for Achieving a Science Victory

- Farms and Mines adjacent to Seowon districts yield extra bonuses.

- Seondeok: Cities with Governors gain increased Culture and Science based on promotions.

Korea, particularly under Seondeok, offers strong advantages for a Science Victory with its unique district, Seowon, which gains significant adjacency bonuses. The synergy of Governors further amplifies cultural and scientific outputs, making Korea a formidable contender in technological races.

2. Maya (Lady Six Sky)

Convert Internal Resources into Scientific Gains

Civilization 6: Top 10 Civilizations for Achieving a Science Victory

- Cities gain amenities based on luxury resources and housing bonuses from adjacent Observatories.

- Lady Six Sky: Non-Capital cities near the Capital receive boosts to all yields.

The Mayan civilization excels in amassing science by leveraging its unique capabilities to maintain a fortified position. With effective use of their special abilities, players can adopt a "tall" strategy that prioritizes growth and technological advancement.

1. China (Yongle)

Powerful Tools for Experienced Players

Civilization 6: Top 10 Civilizations for Achieving a Science Victory

- Eurekas and Inspirations provide extra bonuses to Science and Culture costs.

- Yongle: Gain access to the special Lijia city project for resource conversion.

Though the Lijia project may initially seem limited, it becomes a potent tool for Yongle. The bonuses from populous cities enable rapid access to vital resources, paving the way for swift technological growth and positioning players favorably for a Science Victory.

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