Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2 - Tips for Defeating the Neurothrope Boss

2024-09-23 17:14:11Source:JuxiaAuthor:Juxia

In the "Servant of the Machine" mission of Space Marine 2, players are tasked with infiltrating a Necron facility to disable a formidable weapon and take down the Neurothrope boss. You can also encounter this boss in Operations mode. Successfully defeating the Neurothrope demands strategic movement within the arena and quick reactions to its diverse attack patterns.

This boss boasts significant health and delivers substantial damage through its ranged and area-of-effect (AOE) abilities, while also summoning reinforcements to increase the pressure. The Neurothrope will challenge your adaptability, rewarding players who can effectively exploit its vulnerability windows. If you're struggling with this encounter, the following guide provides essential tips to help you conquer this alien foe.

Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2 - Tips for Defeating the Neurothrope Boss

Getting to Know the Neurothrope Boss

Unlike most ground-based enemies, the Neurothrope hovers and moves freely, often keeping its distance from players. This positioning renders weapons like the Melta Rifle less effective. However, its aerial nature makes it easier to track and target.

The Neurothrope employs a mix of ranged and area attacks. Winning this battle is less about mindless shooting and more about dodging its attacks and closing the distance. Occasionally, the boss will summon swarms of Tyranids to slow your assault, acting as distractions while it punishes you. Inflicting enough damage will force the Neurothrope to the ground, giving you the chance to unleash melee attacks.

Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2 - Tips for Defeating the Neurothrope Boss

Neurothrope’s Attack Patterns and How to Counter Them

Understanding the Neurothrope's attack patterns is crucial for planning your offensive strategy without panic. The boss features five main attacks, a recovery attack, and the ability to summon reinforcements. Here’s how to recognize and counter these moves:

- Tracking Orbs:Watch for the three green orbs the Neurothrope launches in quick succession. These explode on contact, creating a moderate blast radius. To counter, dodge away from the orbs and toward the boss, or take cover behind large objects, though this method can be unreliable.

- Lightning Strike:This attack requires careful timing. Listen for the distinct sound cues and observe the green tendrils around your character, signaling when to dodge the incoming strike.

- Psychic Lasers:The Neurothrope fires a laser attack that initially travels straight before splitting into three separate lasers. Fortunately, these lasers have a slow travel speed, making dodging manageable. You can also take cover behind walls or pillars to avoid this attack.

- Floor Is Lightning:If you get too close while the boss hovers, it may perform an AOE attack that electrifies the ground. You can bait this move and approach once the area is safe again, but it’s wise to keep your distance unless using a close-range weapon like the Melta Rifle.

- Omnidirectional Pulses:Occasionally, the Neurothrope unleashes a series of energy pulses sweeping across the arena. To dodge, time your movements toward the pulse just before impact. If executed correctly, this allows you to close in and hit the Neurothrope with melee attacks.

Melee weapons are especially effective against the Neurothrope, making them a strategic choice in this battle.

After executing its omnidirectional pulse attack, the Neurothrope will briefly descend to recover. If you’re close during this phase, it may unleash a repelling energy push followed by a psychic scream that disorients you. Sprinting away just before the boss rises can help you avoid this debilitating effect.

Engaging the Neurothrope during its recovery presents a high-risk, high-reward opportunity to inflict substantial damage, but be mindful of its potential retaliation.

Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2 - Tips for Defeating the Neurothrope Boss

Managing Tyranid Swarms

Throughout the fight, the Neurothrope will summon Tyranid swarms to divert your focus. A smart strategy is to lead them into areas where you can use walls or objects for cover while dealing with the swarm. Grenades are particularly effective against these foes, and using the Righteous Fury ability can be a lifesaver when overwhelmed.

Recommended Weapons for the Neurothrope Boss Fight

Defeating the Neurothrope relies more on dodging its attack patterns than simply unloading ammunition. A reliable medium-range weapon combined with a powerful melee option will serve you well. Weapons like the Melta Rifle and sniper rifles are less suited for this encounter. Here are some weapon recommendations that consistently perform well against the Neurothrope:

- Heavy Bolter

- Bolt Carbine

- Plasma Pistol

- Chainsword

- Power Sword

Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2 - Tips for Defeating the Neurothrope Boss

With these strategies and weapon choices, you'll be better equipped to take on the Neurothrope and emerge victorious. Good luck!

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