Parents of Parkland Shooting Victim Launch Educational Video Game

2024-09-26 12:29:10Source:JuxiaAuthor:Juxia

In a powerful move to raise awareness about gun safety legislation, the parents of a victim from the Parkland school shooting have introduced a survival video game titled The Final Exam. This game aims not only to educate players but also to counter the narrative that video games are to blame for gun violence and mass shootings.

The tragic shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, in February 2018 resulted in the deaths of 14 students and three staff members, leaving another 17 individuals injured. Six years later, this incident remains the deadliest high school shooting in U.S. history.

Parents of Parkland Shooting Victim Launch Educational Video Game

In the aftermath, various politicians have pointed fingers at video games as contributing factors to gun violence. This includes former President Trump, who held discussions with gaming executives following the Parkland tragedy. However, activists Manuel and Patricia Oliver, founders of the Change the Ref Foundation and parents of 17-year-old victim Joaquin Oliver, contend that the solution lies in gun safety legislation, not scapegoating video games. With The Final Exam, they aim to shed light on this crucial issue.

Developed in collaboration with Webcore Games, The Final Exam places players in the role of a student navigating the harrowing scenario of a school shooting. The game's official description highlights the urgency: "Ten minutes. That’s how long the average mass shooting lasts. And in this school, it’s also how long you have to escape."

Parents of Parkland Shooting Victim Launch Educational Video Game

As players engage in the game, they must collect scattered gun control bills while evading the shooter. They will need to build barricades using chairs and desks, control their breathing, remain vigilant for alarms, and employ other realistic tactics used during mass shootings. The game is available for free download on PC via its official website or Steam.

Key Gun Control Messages in The Final Exam

Among the five gun control bills featured in the game are measures like a ban on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, mandatory secure storage laws (known as Ethan's Law), universal background checks for all gun sales, and raising the minimum age for purchasing firearms. The creators emphasize that the goal of The Final Exam is to urge politicians to stop attributing mass shootings to video games. U.S. politicians have historically leaned on this argument; for instance, in 2022, Senator Ted Cruz pointed to violent video games following a school shooting in Texas that claimed 21 lives.

Parents of Parkland Shooting Victim Launch Educational Video Game

The Parkland shooting itself has not escaped this blame game. In the wake of the tragedy, some students in Miami protested by discarding their video games, citing concerns about violent media. However, the developers of The Final Exam firmly believe that vilifying video games is not the solution. The game’s website states, "Let's pressure politicians to do the right thing: stop blaming games and start taking meaningful action against gun violence."

This conversation about the link between video games and violence is not limited to the United States. In 2023, French President Emmanuel Macron also attributed the Paris riots against police to social media and video games. As this debate continues, initiatives like The Final Exam play a vital role in raising awareness about the urgent need for effective gun control legislation and addressing the issue of school shootings.

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