FragPunk Unveils Beta Date and Two New Characters at Tokyo Game Show 2024

2024-09-27 16:53:18Source:JuxiaAuthor:Juxia

At the 2024 Tokyo Game Show, NetEase Games delivered exciting updates on their highly anticipated hero shooter, FragPunk. The latest trailer revealed the schedule for the game's upcoming closed beta test and introduced two new playable characters. The event also showcased fresh details about the game's unique Shard Card system, offering a deeper look into what sets FragPunk apart in the crowded hero shooter genre.

FragPunk Unveils Beta Date and Two New Characters at Tokyo Game Show 2024

Despite some player fatigue with the influx of hero shooters, FragPunk is standing out due to its innovative blend of card-based mechanics. Each Lancer—FragPunk's playable characters—wields distinct abilities, enhanced by Shard Cards that add a layer of unpredictability to the game. These cards offer a wide range of powers, from simple enhancements like incendiary ammo to game-changing effects that alter the map’s terrain, flipping the battlefield and stripping enemies of their strategic advantages. This feature could give FragPunk an edge over other titles in the genre.

New Closed Beta Dates and Expanded Access

In their latest trailer, NetEase Games and developer Bad Guitar also confirmed the dates for FragPunk's next closed beta. According to an FAQ on the game's official website, the beta will run from October 10 to October 21, 2024. It will be available on PC via Steam and Xbox Series X|S. Players interested in joining can sign up through Steam or the Xbox Insider Hub app.

FragPunk Unveils Beta Date and Two New Characters at Tokyo Game Show 2024

This upcoming test will welcome a broader audience, offering support for more regions and languages, allowing a larger player base to experience the game. In addition to the expanded beta, two new Lancers—Spider and Sonar—will join the playable roster, bringing fresh abilities to the table.

FragPunk Trailer Highlights Shard Cards and New Lancers: Sonar and Spider

The FragPunk closed beta trailer emphasized the strategic depth of its Shard Card system, showcasing new cards that players will be able to experiment with. Some cards have specific counters, such as the Flashlight card, which blinds opponents, but can be neutralized by the Safety Glasses card that reduces the flash effect’s duration. Another card, Blade Master, allows players to deflect bullets from the front, and when combined with the Turtleback card, creates a nearly impenetrable defense from both front and rear attacks.

FragPunk Unveils Beta Date and Two New Characters at Tokyo Game Show 2024

The trailer also introduced two new Lancers—Sonar and Spider. Sonar, who has a marine animal-inspired aesthetic reminiscent of World of Warcraft’s Draenei, can detect enemy locations and mask the noise of her team’s movements. Spider, on the other hand, boasts the ability to teleport himself or others, setting up devastating ambushes and traps, making him a formidable asset in strategic gameplay.

Can FragPunk Stand Out in a Saturated Hero Shooter Market?

While FragPunk boasts fresh mechanics and a distinct visual identity, it faces stiff competition in 2024’s saturated hero shooter landscape. Players are already overwhelmed with quality options, from the renewed popularity of Overwatch 2 to brand-heavy titles like Marvel Rivals and fan favorites like Valorant. It remains to be seen whether FragPunk can carve out a niche for itself, but with its unique gameplay mechanics and upcoming beta, it has the potential to make a lasting impact. Time and player feedback during the beta will be crucial in determining its future success.

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