Marvel Rivals: Why Miles Morales Deserves His Own Place on the Roster

2024-09-30 09:55:15Source:JuxiaAuthor:Juxia

Marvel Rivals may still be in development, but that hasn't stopped the creators from making some big announcements. With the game slated for release this December, fans are eagerly awaiting updates about new characters. The initial roster looks promising, and rumors about a more expansive leaked list have only fueled excitement. Yet, despite all the buzz, one essential hero remains missing—a character who could elevate Marvel Rivals to new heights.

Marvel Rivals: Why Miles Morales Deserves His Own Place on the Roster

As a hero shooter, Marvel Rivals draws significant appeal from its alternate skins for each character. With such a vast Marvel universe to pull from, many heroes could serve as alternate skins for existing characters. Some might argue that Miles Morales could fit into this category, but that assumption couldn’t be further from the truth.

Miles Morales Could Bring a Fresh Moveset to Marvel Rivals

It’s easy to assume that Marvel Rivals may convert some characters into alternate skins to expand its collection. And while there’s a case to be made that certain characters aren’t distinct enough to warrant their own spot on the roster, Miles Morales completely sidesteps these challenges. While Spider-Man has more alternate versions than most superheroes, Miles Morales stands out in ways that make him a unique candidate for the roster.

Marvel Rivals: Why Miles Morales Deserves His Own Place on the Roster

Take Red Hulk, for example. His abilities closely mirror those of the original Hulk, making him a prime candidate for a skin rather than a standalone character. Red Hulk’s upcoming appearance in Captain America: Brave New World makes this even more likely, as it offers a timely opportunity. But Miles Morales is a different story entirely.

Miles Morales Is More Than Just Another Spider-Man

At first glance, it might seem like Miles Morales could be folded into the Spider-Man umbrella alongside Peter Parker. After all, both characters swing through New York City, crawl up walls, and take on great responsibility with their powers. But despite these similarities, Miles brings unique abilities that could easily translate into a distinct gameplay experience.

Thanks to the Insomniac games and the Spider-Verse films, it’s well-known that Miles has two signature abilities in addition to the typical Spider-Man skillset: the power to turn invisible by blending with his surroundings and his electric Venom Strike. These abilities alone set him apart from Peter, but they’re just the beginning.

Marvel Rivals: Why Miles Morales Deserves His Own Place on the Roster

In recent years, Miles Morales has pushed his electrical powers even further. Notably, he’s been able to create bio-electric constructs, including a sword known as the Venom Saber. Miles’ power often surpasses Peter Parker’s, and his potential only continues to grow. Earlier this year, Miles even demonstrated a Super Saiyan-like transformation, and he’s set to don a Vibranium Spider-Man suit later in October.

Marvel Rivals Needs Miles Morales

Given his expanding arsenal of abilities, Miles Morales is undoubtedly unique enough for Marvel Rivals to develop a creative moveset around him. But his inclusion shouldn’t just be about his powers—Miles deserves a spot on the roster because of his significance.

Since his debut in 2011 within the Ultimate Marvel series, Miles Morales has evolved from Peter Parker’s successor in the Ultimate Universe into a key figure in Marvel’s main continuity. Today, he’s recognized as one of Marvel’s most influential characters, especially in the modern era.

Why Miles Morales Resonates With Fans

While Peter Parker laid the groundwork for what it means to be Spider-Man, Miles Morales has expanded on this legacy in meaningful ways. Spider-Man’s appeal has always hinged on the idea that anyone could wear the mask, and Miles proves that Spider-Man’s story isn’t limited to one type of hero. His character allows a new generation of fans, particularly kids from diverse backgrounds, to see themselves in one of Marvel’s most beloved heroes. It’s no coincidence that Miles remains a fan favorite and one of Marvel’s most popular characters in recent years.

Miles has taken the lead in a hugely successful film franchise with the Spider-Verse movies, which serve as many people's introduction to the character. He’s also co-starring alongside Peter in Marvel's Spider-Man 2, proving his ability to shine both as a leader and a partner. With such major projects under his belt, it’s clear that Miles deserves a place in Marvel Rivals alongside Peter Parker.

Marvel Rivals: Why Miles Morales Deserves His Own Place on the Roster

Even now, Peter isn’t the only Spider-Man featured in the game. Marvel Rivals has included Peni Parker as a playable character, a version of Spider-Man popularized by Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse. This decision reflects the game’s willingness to explore Spider-Man’s multiverse, but Miles Morales is far more than just another alternate version. His unique powers and vital role in the Marvel universe make him a must-have for the roster.

Conclusion: Miles Morales Is Essential for Marvel Rivals

With his distinct abilities and importance in Marvel’s modern narrative, Miles Morales is much more than a mere alternate skin. He brings fresh gameplay potential and serves as a vital representation of Spider-Man’s evolving legacy. By adding Miles to the roster, Marvel Rivals wouldn’t just gain another Spider-Man—it would welcome a hero who has inspired fans across the globe.

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