Bloodstained 2 Director Steps Back from Development

2024-10-02 17:14:17Source:JuxiaAuthor:Juxia

The development of Bloodstained 2 faces a significant change, as director Shutaro Ida has announced that he will be stepping away from the project after being diagnosed with cancer. Ida, a key figure in both the Bloodstained and Castlevania franchises, also played a pivotal role as the lead programmer for Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain, where he worked closely with legendary game designer Hideo Kojima.

Bloodstained 2 Director Steps Back from Development

Ida's contributions to the gaming world are vast, particularly his work on the beloved Castlevania DS trilogy, which includes Dawn of Sorrow, Portrait of Ruin, and Order of Ecclesia. These titles, which are currently available on modern platforms as part of the Castlevania Dominus Collection, cemented Ida’s legacy within the series. While he had already brainstormed many ideas for Bloodstained 2, his diagnosis has led him to release a statement about his future involvement in the project.

Ida Announces His Departure to Focus on Health

Shutaro Ida, also known to fans as Curry Boy and Curry Sage, took to Twitter to share the news of his cancer diagnosis, explaining that his primary focus moving forward will be battling the disease. He expressed his gratitude to the community for their support and noted that he has already passed his ideas for Bloodstained 2 onto the rest of the development team.

Bloodstained 2 Director Steps Back from Development

While his departure is undoubtedly a difficult moment for the Bloodstained community, fans have been quick to rally behind him, offering messages of encouragement and well-wishes. Ida’s influence on the series, as well as his broader contributions to the gaming industry, are held in high regard.

Koji Igarashi Reflects on Ida’s Contributions

Castlevania series creator Koji Igarashi responded to Ida's announcement with a heartfelt message, recognizing the significant impact Ida has had on both the Castlevania and Bloodstained franchises. Igarashi acknowledged that the news represents a substantial setback for the project, particularly given Ida's leadership in producing the DS Castlevania titles and Bloodstained.

Bloodstained 2 Director Steps Back from Development

In his message, Igarashi also expressed his hope for Ida’s recovery, emphasizing their close working relationship, especially during the development of the Castlevania DS games—many of which are considered some of the finest handheld titles in the series.

The Impact on Bloodstained 2’s Development

Although Ida's departure is a tough blow for the development team behind Bloodstained 2, fans remain optimistic. Many are hopeful that Ida will make a full recovery, and they continue to send their support through social media. While his direct involvement in the project may be limited moving forward, Ida has reassured fans that his creative ideas have already been passed along to the team.

Bloodstained 2 Director Steps Back from Development

Given the continued updates and features still being added to Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night even five years after its release, it's clear that Ida and the development team have a strong foundation to continue building upon. With Ida’s guidance already embedded in the project, there’s confidence that Bloodstained 2 will still deliver an engaging experience, despite the challenges.

As fans eagerly await more news, the priority remains Ida's health and recovery, while his invaluable contributions to gaming will continue to shape the project in his absence.

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