Skyrim's 7 Best and Most Powerful Builds

2024-09-02 13:48:48Source:JuxiaAuthor:Juxia

Skyrim's 7 Best and Most Powerful Builds

Skyrim offers a nearly limitless array of character builds, making it a game where players can invest countless hours experimenting with different strategies. Despite the endless possibilities, some builds stand out for their exceptional power and enjoyment. Here's a guide to seven of the most formidable builds you can use to enhance your Skyrim experience, focusing on those available in the base game and DLCs, without the need for mods.

7. The Alchemist

Skyrim's 7 Best and Most Powerful Builds

Alchemy in Skyrim can be incredibly potent, offering a path to near-immortality with the right combination of perks and potions. For a unique challenge, try playing exclusively as an Alchemist. Focus on crafting healing and Skooma potions, and gather Nightshade to bolster your abilities.

Though a glitch with certain armor sets can make this build nearly unbeatable, even without it, high skill levels in Alchemy, Smithing, and Enchanting can help you dominate the game. This build is time-consuming and works best when combined with other builds, like Vampiric builds, to fully leverage its potential.

6. Battle Mage

Skyrim's 7 Best and Most Powerful Builds

The Battle Mage build blends martial and magical prowess. You can tailor it to lean towards either a Necromancer or a Spellsword/Paladin. Ideally, you’ll wield a two-handed weapon in one hand and use magic in the other. To start this build, check out Mike - The Gaming Dad’s guide.

Level up a mix of skills, including:

Skill Tree



Novice, Dual Casting, Impact, Augmented Shock x2


Enchanter x5, Fire Enchanter, Frost Enchanter, Storm Enchanter, Insightful, Corpus, Extra Effect


Steel, Dwarven, Orc, Ebony, Daedric, Dragon, Arcane Blacksmith

Heavy Armor

Juggernaut x3, Well Fitted

One Handed

Armsman x4, Fighting Stance, Bone Breaker


Alchemist x5, Physician, Benefactor


Novice, Apprentice, Summoner

For a Necromancer twist, focus on Conjuration spells like Summon Frost Atronach and Flaming Familiar. While there's no official Necromancer class, you can create a powerful version using this Battle Mage foundation.

5. Illusion Assassin

Skyrim's 7 Best and Most Powerful Builds

This build combines high Illusion and Sneak skills to create a deadly and elusive assassin. Invest heavily in Illusion perks like Expert Illusion and Quiet Casting, and enhance your Sneak and Assassin’s Blade skills.

Recommended Class


Recommended Gear

Shadow Gear; Shrouded Gloves; The Molten Dagger

Misc. Items

The Lord Stone


Arcane Blacksmith

The build demands significant investment but can be very rewarding. Joining the Dark Brotherhood faction is also advisable to acquire the right gear.

4. Unlimited Stamina Build

Skyrim's 7 Best and Most Powerful Builds

Ideal for those seeking a fun and powerful build, the Unlimited Stamina Build revolves around using Vegetable Soup. This resource restores 1 HP and 1 Stamina per second for about 12 minutes, allowing for endless Power Attacks.

To maximize this build, focus on the Berserker path.

The Vegetable Soup recipe is simple:

- Cabbage

- Potato

- Leek

- Tomato

3. No Fighting Mage Build

Skyrim's 7 Best and Most Powerful Builds

For a unique gameplay experience, the No Fighting Mage Build involves manipulating others to do the fighting for you. This build requires high Alteration and Illusion skills and focuses on spells that control enemies rather than direct combat.

Key spells include:

- Paralyze

- Frenzy

- Fear

- Calm

- Fury

- Invisibility

- Clairvoyance

- Telekinesis

This build may not help you defeat the final boss directly, but it’s a fascinating way to influence the game world.

2. Khajiit Claws Only

Skyrim's 7 Best and Most Powerful Builds

Harness the natural strength of Khajiit claws with this unarmed build. The Khajiit racial bonus increases unarmed damage, which can be further enhanced with Heavy Armor perks like Fists of Steel. Combining this with Daedric Gloves enchanted with Fortify Unarmed will amplify your punching power.

Invest heavily in Heavy Armor and Restoration skills, and consider Conjuration for summoning undead allies.

1. Stealth Archer

Skyrim's 7 Best and Most Powerful Builds

Who didn't see this one coming? Your enemies won't, that's for sure. One of the most popular and powerful builds in Skyrim, the Stealth Archer build focuses on combining high Archery damage with Sneak bonuses. Equip a bow and level up Stealth to remain undetected while dealing devastating damage.

While Stealth Archers can handle most encounters from the shadows, consider a Battle Archer variant if you prefer a more direct approach. Enhance your build with Conjuration skills for fighting Dragons and bosses, and use spells like Slow Time for added advantage. For a detailed walkthrough, watch Fevvy’s video.

Each of these builds offers a different way to experience the vast world of Skyrim, providing countless hours of enjoyment and new challenges.

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