Neutral WOW Player Hits Level 80 Without Leaving the Starting Area

2024-09-04 15:18:50Source:JuxiaAuthor:Juxia

The legendary World of Warcraft player known as NeutralAgent, famous for reaching max level on his Pandaren without ever leaving the Wandering Isle, has accomplished this remarkable feat once again in The War Within. After dedicating nearly 10 and a half days to the task, NeutralAgent has successfully leveled up to 80 without stepping outside the Pandaren starting zone.

Neutral WOW Player Hits Level 80 Without Leaving the Starting Area

Back on December 29, 2013, NeutralAgent made history as the first player to reach level 80—the maximum level during Mists of Pandaria—without leaving the Wandering Isle or aligning with a faction. Since then, he has consistently repeated this extraordinary achievement across every expansion, leveling multiple characters to the max while remaining confined to the Pandaren starting zone.

Now, NeutralAgent has done it yet again. On September 2, the renowned player proudly announced that he had reached level 80, the new cap in World of Warcraft: The War Within, with his neutral character, setting a new world record in the process. Interestingly, this time he chose to level his Rogue, CovertAgent, instead of his usual Shaman, Doubleagent.

NeutralAgent Reaches Level 80 in WoW: The War Within

Neutral WOW Player Hits Level 80 Without Leaving the Starting Area

Given that NeutralAgent has long surpassed the level of all the creatures on the Wandering Isle, the only viable way for him to gain experience is through the Mining and Herbalism professions. The experience needed to progress from level 70 to 80 in The War Within was significantly higher than in previous expansions.

Fortunately, NeutralAgent benefited from a 25% experience bonus that players can earn by leveling other characters to the cap. After leveling five characters to 80 through traditional means, NeutralAgent managed to bring his first neutral Pandaren to max level in 10 days and 10 hours—shaving a couple of days off the time it took him to reach level 70 in Dragonflight.

This latest accomplishment won’t be the last for NeutralAgent in The War Within. By the end of Dragonflight, he had a total of eight max-level neutral Pandaren on the Wandering Isle. Fans can expect him to steadily work on bringing these characters to level 80 as well—and it’s highly likely that he will be the first player to reach the new level cap of 90 when World of Warcraft: Midnight releases in a few years.

Neutral WOW Player Hits Level 80 Without Leaving the Starting Area

As always, the World of Warcraft community is astounded by NeutralAgent’s dedication. His initial achievement of reaching max level was impressive enough, but his continued success with every new expansion is a true testament to his perseverance. With World of Warcraft set to celebrate its 20-year anniversary later this year, it’s fitting that The War Within has brought the level cap back to 80—the very same cap that marked the beginning of NeutralAgent’s incredible journey.

There’s no doubt that he will continue this humble quest for as long as World of Warcraft continues to release new expansions.

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