Clash Royale: Top Decks for the Berserker Clash Event

2024-09-10 10:46:17Source:JuxiaAuthor:Juxia

This week’s Clash Royale event, Berserker Clash, is all about maintaining your troops’ presence on the battlefield. The key challenge here is to adapt your strategy to ensure your units stay active, especially when their health drops below 50%. The event introduces a unique rule where troops falling to half health will be empowered with Rage, enhancing their movement speed and attack rate.

Clash Royale: Top Decks for the Berserker Clash Event

Unlike regular matches, Berserker Clash tweaks the gameplay by infusing troops with Rage upon reaching half health. This makes certain units, such as the Skeleton Army, less effective, while others, like the Valkyrie, become highly valuable. To succeed, you’ll need to adapt your deck to thrive under these new conditions.

Top Decks for Berserker Clash

Given the event’s mechanics, relying on easily countered spam troops is not advisable. Instead, build your deck around resilient units that can endure spells like Zap or The Log. Here's a look at some effective deck strategies for Berserker Clash:

Bowler and Magic Archer Deck

Clash Royale: Top Decks for the Berserker Clash Event

- Firecracker (Elixir 3)

- Goblin Drill (Elixir 4)

- Magic Archer (Elixir 4)

- Bowler (Elixir 5)

- Electro Wizard (Elixir 4)

- Mother Witch (Elixir 4)

- Guardians (Elixir 3)

- Phoenix (Elixir 4)

Average Elixir Cost: 3.9  

Tower Troop: Cannoneer

The Bowler excels at dealing with medium-sized ground troops, especially when enraged. Pair him with a unit that counters air threats, like the Magic Archer or Firecracker, to maximize effectiveness. Deploy the Goblin Drill near the enemy tower to distract their defenses and force them to spend Elixir.

While the Mother Witch is useful for handling aerial swarms like Minions or Bats, she’s best used in conjunction with other cards, such as the Phoenix, rather than supporting the Bowler directly.

Royal Recruits and Hog Rider Deck

Clash Royale: Top Decks for the Berserker Clash Event

- Firecracker (Elixir 3)

- Royal Recruits (Elixir 7)

- Inferno Dragon (Elixir 4)

- Arrows (Elixir 3)

- Freeze (Elixir 4)

- Knight (Elixir 3)

- Valkyrie (Elixir 4)

- Hog Rider (Elixir 4)

Average Elixir Cost: 4.0  

Tower Troop: Cannoneer

The success of this deck hinges on precise timing with the Freeze spell. Use Freeze when your troops are around half health to maximize their Rage effect, allowing them to deal significantly more damage. Deploy Freeze just before your troop hits half HP to ensure they’re enraged and inflict maximum damage while the opponent's units or tower remain immobilized.

This strategy is particularly effective with the Hog Rider. As he approaches half health, use Freeze to disable the tower and surrounding troops, giving the Hog Rider a clear path to deal critical damage. The same technique can be applied defensively to disrupt enemy pushes.

Clash Royale: Top Decks for the Berserker Clash Event

By employing these strategies and adapting to the Berserker Clash rules, you'll be well-equipped to maintain dominance and achieve victory in this exciting event.

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