No Man's Sky: 6 Essential Tips for Fishing

2024-09-13 16:14:27Source:JuxiaAuthor:Juxia

The Aquarius update for No Man’s Sky has introduced a long-awaited feature: fishing. While the fishing mechanics themselves are fairly straightforward, the challenge of catching specific species adds a rewarding layer of complexity. Here are six tips to help you master fishing in No Man’s Sky and reel in the best catches.

6. Planetary Biomes Matter for Fishing

No Man's Sky: 6 Essential Tips for Fishing

Fish species vary based on planetary biomes, with some preferring hot planets and others thriving in cold environments.

To find the right fish, you’ll need to use the star map to locate planets with the correct biome that also have bodies of water. Not every system has water, so you’ll need to be strategic in choosing your fishing locations. Once you’ve found a planet that fits the bill, you’ll have a better chance of catching the specific species you’re after.

5. Weather Conditions Affect Your Success

No Man's Sky: 6 Essential Tips for Fishing

Certain fish only appear in specific weather conditions, like storms, which can add another layer of difficulty.

While fishing during a storm can be exciting, it also presents challenges. The stormy weather can create large waves, which will slow down your progress. Every time a wave lifts your bobber, it moves the bait further from the fish, making it more difficult for them to bite. This could trap you in a cycle where the fish can never get close enough before the next wave hits.

4. Timing Matters: Day/Night Cycle Impacts Fishing

No Man's Sky: 6 Essential Tips for Fishing

Many fish species are only available at certain times of the day, so knowing the planet’s day/night cycle is crucial.

Some fish are exclusive to either daytime or nighttime, so it’s important to check the fish database and adjust your fishing time accordingly. If you’re after a specific species, you may need to wait for the right time of day before casting your line. Keep in mind that planets have varying day lengths, so selecting one with a longer day or night cycle can give you more time to fish during the optimal period.

3. Shallow vs. Deep Water: Where to Find Different Species

No Man's Sky: 6 Essential Tips for Fishing

Fish in shallow water differ from those in deep seas, with larger fish often found in deeper waters.

If you’re hoping to catch bigger or rarer species, you’ll need to venture into the ocean and fish in deeper water. This can be tricky, as you’ll need a stable platform to fish from. The best option is to use the Exo-Skiff, which is rewarded during the Aquarius expedition. If you haven’t unlocked this yet, you can use a ship with a flat surface to hover over the water and fish from there.

2. Choose the Right Bait

No Man's Sky: 6 Essential Tips for Fishing

Different baits attract different species, and using the correct bait can drastically improve your catch.

Like the weather and time of day, bait plays a crucial role in determining which fish you’ll attract. Specific baits are designed to lure fish that can only be caught under certain conditions, such as at night or in certain temperatures. You can craft bait using standard recipes, or experiment with raw materials to create custom baits. Using the right bait can make the difference between a successful fishing trip and an empty net.

1. Upgrade to the Lost Angler’s Rig

No Man's Sky: 6 Essential Tips for Fishing

The Lost Angler’s Rig, earned during the Aquarius expedition, is a major upgrade to your basic fishing equipment.

Completing phase 4 of the Aquarius expedition will reward you with the blueprint for the Lost Angler’s Rig. This advanced rig significantly boosts your chances of catching rare and large fish, making it a must-have for serious anglers. The expedition only takes a few hours to complete, and the rewards are well worth the effort for any player looking to enhance their fishing experience.

With these tips in mind, you’ll be well-equipped to tackle the exciting new fishing mechanics in No Man’s Sky. Whether you’re aiming to catch rare species or simply enjoy the serenity of fishing in this vast universe, these strategies will help you reel in the best results.

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