Satisfactory: A Guide to Crafting Reinforced Iron Plates

2024-09-13 16:55:20Source:JuxiaAuthor:Juxia

As players advance through Satisfactory’s tech tree, they will encounter increasingly complex materials and processes. One of the first significant challenges is crafting Reinforced Iron Plates, a key component in various advanced projects.

Setting up an automated production line for Reinforced Iron Plates can be intricate, but with a solid understanding of the game’s mechanics, it becomes manageable. Here’s a comprehensive guide to producing Reinforced Iron Plates, along with a sample production layout to help new players get started.

Satisfactory: A Guide to Crafting Reinforced Iron Plates

Crafting Reinforced Iron Plates

To begin crafting Reinforced Iron Plates, players must first unlock the third HUB upgrade during the Onboarding process. While it is possible to manually create these plates at Crafting Benches, automating the process is essential for efficiency and scalability.

Reinforced Iron Plates require two materials: Iron Plates and Screws. Producing Iron Plates is straightforward, but creating Screws involves a multi-step process:

1. Mine Iron Ore.

2. Smelt Iron Ore into Iron Ingots.

3. Convert Iron Ingots into Iron Rods.

4. Finally, fabricate Screws from Iron Rods.

This entire process can be automated by utilizing Smelters, Constructors, and Assemblers. Additionally, using some of the best mods available for Satisfactory can streamline production even further.

Satisfactory: A Guide to Crafting Reinforced Iron Plates

Setting Up an Automated Production Line

Here’s a basic layout for automating the production of Reinforced Iron Plates, based on the following setup:

- One Miner Mk. 1: Extracts 120 Iron Ore per minute from a Pure Iron Node.

- Two Smelters: Each produces 30 Iron Ingots per minute.

- One Overclocked Constructor: Creates 30 Iron Plates per minute.

- One Constructor: Produces 15 Iron Rods per minute.

- One Overclocked Constructor: Fabricates 60 Screws per minute.

- One Assembler: Manufactures 5 Reinforced Iron Plates per minute.

For optimal efficiency, the Assembler needs 30 Iron Plates and 60 Screws per minute. If space is a constraint, overclocking your buildings can help meet these demands. Alternatively, adding extra Constructors or Smelters is a viable solution, as excess material production is not a major concern.

If a Pure Iron Node is unavailable, consider using a Mk. 2 Miner or connecting two Mk. 1 Miners to the same production line. While Portable Miners are useful for resource stockpiling, they are not suitable for automated processes.

Satisfactory: A Guide to Crafting Reinforced Iron Plates

Managing Power Consumption

Increased building production will raise your power requirements, so ensure your power generators are adequate. Automated Biomass Burners can handle initial needs, but setting up a Coal Generator power plant is highly recommended for long-term efficiency and stability.

By following this guide, you’ll establish a reliable and efficient system for producing Reinforced Iron Plates, streamlining your progress through Satisfactory.

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