The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom – A Guide to the Flying Tiles Side Quest

2024-09-27 15:10:27Source:JuxiaAuthor:Juxia

Flying tiles have made appearances in several Legend of Zelda titles, but in Echoes of Wisdom, they play a crucial role in the side quest aptly named "The Flying Tile." These unique "enemies" are exactly as their name suggests: panels that lift off the ground and soar toward Zelda or Link. While they don't inflict significant damage, it's wise to block them to prevent any unnecessary health loss. In Echoes of Wisdom, you can find flying tiles in two specific locations, both situated in the Gerudo Desert.

The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom – A Guide to the Flying Tiles Side Quest

Flying Tile Quest Walkthrough

Locating a Flying Tile

After finishing the Suthorn Ruins section, you'll encounter Impa's older brother, Lueberry. He will inform you about two substantial rifts that have emerged in both Jabul Ruins and the Gerudo Desert. Travel west from Lueberry's house until you reach the desert. Once you officially enter the Gerudo Desert, continue heading west until you discover the Oasis. Nearby the Business Scrub, you'll find a Gerudo character; speak to her to initiate "The Flying Tile" quest.

If this is your first trip to the desert, progressing through the story quests will eventually grant you access to the Gerudo Sanctum. Here’s how to find a flying tile:

1. Complete the main story quests and assist Dhona to gain access to the Gerudo Sanctum.

2. Descend the ladder to enter a "2D" room filled with wind cannons and rock walls to climb.

3. Navigate through the tunnels with the wind cannons, then climb a ladder to enter the Gerudo Sanctum. Open your map to see Zelda positioned on the second floor.

4. Move through the room on your left to discover a space with ten red and brown tiles, along with a treasure chest.

The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom – A Guide to the Flying Tiles Side Quest

If you'd prefer not to return to the Sanctum, there’s a cave with multiple flying tiles located in the far northwest area of the Oasis.

To register a flying tile, you'll need to "defeat" it by learning the Echo. Approach the nearest tile and quickly press the ZR button before it lifts off the ground. This will add the tile to your collection of Echoes. When activated, the tile will fly in the direction Zelda is facing, providing a swift means of travel across the map. If you miss the chance to learn the Echo because the tiles broke, simply exit the room and return to refresh them.

Rewards for Completing the Flying Tile Quest

The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom – A Guide to the Flying Tiles Side Quest

Once you’ve completed "The Flying Tile," return to receive your reward: 50 Rupees. These can be spent at general stores or given to the nearby Business Scrub for delicious smoothies. While 50 Rupees might not seem like much—especially in a fresh playthrough—this quest proves more beneficial in the early stages of Echoes of Wisdom than later in the game.

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