Warhammer 40k: Space Marine 2 – Top Sniper Build Guide

2024-09-09 16:08:21Source:JuxiaAuthor:Juxia

In Warhammer 40k: Space Marine 2, not every battle demands a heavy Ultramarine equipped to take on hordes of Tyranids. Occasionally, precision and stealth are more advantageous, making the Sniper build an excellent choice for players who excel in targeting and eliminating individual foes with devastating accuracy.

A well-constructed Sniper build can transform gameplay for the tactical player. When paired with the right weapons and perks, a Sniper can dominate the battlefield, dispatching major threats while remaining elusive and avoiding direct confrontation.

Warhammer 40k: Space Marine 2 – Top Sniper Build Guide

How the Sniper Class Operates

The Sniper Class requires a nuanced approach, relying on stealth and precision to target single enemies from a safe distance. This build focuses on using a combination of legendary weapons and tactical abilities to inflict significant damage on priority targets while minimizing exposure to enemy fire.

Key Weapons for the Sniper Class:

- Las Fusil

- Bolt Pistol

- Combat Knife

The Sniper’s key ability, the Camo Cloak, allows players to become invisible, avoiding detection until they choose to strike. Additionally, Snipers benefit from a permanent 10% boost to Headshot Damage, making it crucial to pair this with a high-impact sniper rifle for maximum effectiveness against formidable opponents.

Warhammer 40k: Space Marine 2 – Top Sniper Build Guide

Essential Sniper Perks

The Sniper Class can utilize a range of perks across different categories to enhance their effectiveness. Here’s a breakdown of the best perks to maximize the Sniper build:

Core Perks:

 Block Break

 Shots against blocking or shielding enemies deal 25% of normal Ranged Damage

 High Capacity

 The maximum amount of Ammo you can carry increases by 10%

 Lethal Efficiency

 Killing more than 1 enemy with one shot from a Las Fusil restores its charge by 1


 Headshot Damage increases by 10% for all Squad Members


 A Headshot kill restores Camo Cloak's Charge by 5%

 Targeted Shot

 The first Ranged Attack that breaks Camo Cloak deals 75% more Damage


 When Camo Cloak deactivates you take 20% less Health Damage for 5 seconds

 Pattern of Excellence

 Performing 4 consecutive Headshots restores Equipment Charge by 1. Cooldown is 180 seconds

Best Las Fusil Perks

Gathalamor Crusade

Warhammer 40k: Space Marine 2 – Top Sniper Build Guide

- Firepower: 14

- Accuracy: 10

- Rate of Fire: 1

- Piercing: 10

- Range: 10

- Magazine Capacity: 20

The Gathalamor Crusade variant of the Las Fusil is crucial for a Sniper build. Although its ammo capacity is limited and its firing rate slow due to the charge-up time, it delivers the most powerful shots available. With the right perks, this rifle can effectively eliminate even the toughest enemies with pinpoint accuracy.


 Increased Capacity

 The maximum Ammo Reserve of this Weapon increases by 20%

 Adamant Restoration

 When your Health drops below 30% your Ammo Reserve is restored by 25% of the maximum capacity. Cannot exceed maximum Ammo capacity. Cooldown is 30 seconds


 Radius of Beam Weapons increases by 10%

 Head Hunter

 Headshots deal 10% more Damage

 Head Hunter

 Headshots deal 10% more Damage

 Fast Regeneration

 Killing an enemy restores Armor 0.5 seconds earlier

 Head Hunter

 Headshots deal 10% more Damage

 Instant Health

 When your Health is below 30%, killing 3 enemies or more with one shot restores Health by 5%

 Perpetual Velocity

 Shots Charge 15% faster

These enhancements make the Las Fusil a reliable weapon for players with precise aim.

Best Bolt Pistol Perks

Ophelian Liberation – Alpha

Warhammer 40k: Space Marine 2 – Top Sniper Build Guide

- Firepower: 8+

- Accuracy: 4+

- Rate of Fire: 4+

- Reloading Speed: 8+

- Piercing: 1

- Range: 5

- Magazine Capacity: 18

- Ammo Reserve: 180

The Bolt Pistol serves as the Sniper’s secondary weapon, especially when the Las Fusil isn’t suitable. The Ophelian Liberation – Alpha variant is designed for high damage, quick reloads, and ample ammo reserves, making it a reliable choice in combat situations.


 Great Might

 Damage increases by 10% against Terminus enemies


 After a perfectly timed Dodge, you deal 25% more Damage for 5 seconds

 Iron Grip

 After a Gun Strike, Recoil is reduced by 35% for 5 seconds

 Divine Might

 Damage increases by 10%

 Extended Magazine

 Magazine size increases by 15% of the maximum

 Rapid Health

 When your Health is below 30% killing 10 enemies in rapid succession restores Health by 5%. Cooldown is 30 seconds

Extended Magazine

 Magazine size increases by 15% of the maximum

 Divine Might

 Damage increases by 10%

These perks ensure that the Bolt Pistol remains effective against enemies when the Las Fusil is not in use.

Best Combat Knife Perks

Blood of Vossus

Warhammer 40k: Space Marine 2 – Top Sniper Build Guide

- Strength: 8+

- Speed: 7

- Cleaving Potential: 2

- Defense: Balance

The Combat Knife, the Sniper’s melee option, becomes highly effective with the Blood of Vossus variant. This Relic weapon offers high speed, effective parry windows, and substantial strength with each strike.


 Perpetual Strength

 Melee Damage increases by 5%

 Kinetic Energy

 Each consecutive Heavy Attack increases Heavy Attack Melee Damage by 3% (up to 30%) for 3 seconds

 Perpetual Strength

 Melee Damage increases by 5%

 Perpetual Strength

 Melee Damage increases by 5%

 Shoulder Bash

 Replace Distant Stab with Shoulder Bash. While evading/sprinting, tap the Attack button to quickly perform an area-of-effect forward attack

 Tyranid Slayer

 Melee Damage against Tyranid enemies increases by 10%

 Reeling Blow

 Enemies hit by Whirlwind Slash deal 30% less Damage for 4 seconds. Cooldown is 10 seconds

 Extremis Slayer

 Melee Damage against Extremis-level enemies increases by 15%

These perks make the Combat Knife a formidable weapon even in close-quarter engagements, allowing the Sniper to remain deadly at all ranges.

By focusing on these key weapons and perks, players can master the Sniper build in Warhammer 40k: Space Marine 2, making them a formidable and elusive force on the battlefield.

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